Bitget Wallet (Formerly known as BitKeep) is one of the top Defi multi-chain crypto wallets worldwide. Bitget Wallet (Formerly known as BitKeep) is partnered with top main nets, including Polygon (MATIC), Solana (SOL), Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum (ETH), WAX (WAXP), Arweave (AR), Avalanche (AVAX), Arbitrum (ARB), Fantom (FTM), Terra (LUNA), becoming their authorized wallet. With 70+ Mainnets and 45,000+ cryptocurrencies supported, Bitget Wallet (Formerly known as BitKeep) is committed to creating the world's largest gateway to the decentralized world.
Why Bitget Wallet (Formerly known as BitKeep) ?
- Security: Manage all crypto assets with one set of mnemonics. Bitget Wallet (Formerly known as BitKeep) deploys the original DESM data encryption algorithm and a smart risk control system to safeguard mnemonics, private keys, and transaction security
- Swap: Swap aggregates multiple decentralized trading protocols and supports real-time one-tap cross-chain trading. Bitget Wallet (Formerly known as BitKeep) provides real-time DEX K-lines as well as LaunchPad (for IWOs). It enables users to make cross-chain swaps among Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), BSC, HECO (HT), Polygon (MATIC), Avalanche (AVAX), Fantom (FTM), OEC (OKT), Tron (TRX), and Solana (SOL).
Other Features:
-Allows the minting of new tokens on BTC, ETH, BSC, Polygon, Solana, OEC, HECO, and other main chains within seconds
-Allows the sending and receiving of thousands of assets on BTC/ETH/BNB/UNI/SOL/USDT with in-app notice and complete transaction records supported
-The smart risk control system enables users to automize detection of token risks with one tap, providing real-time protection to safeguard your asset security
-Swap 2.0 makes it easier and faster to cross chains. Quick exchanges on DEX, such as Uniswap (UNI), Sushiswap (SUSHI), PancakeSwap (CAKE), etc., are supported, making all tokens on Ethereum (ETH), BSC, HECO (HT), Polygon (MATIC), Avalanche (AVAX), Fantom (FTM), OEC (OKT), Tron (TRX), Dogecoin, and Solana (SOL) just one tap away
Join us: Bitget Wallet (Formerly known as BitKeep) helps you connect to the decentralized web: a new and safe internet.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 6.0 or higher required
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My wallet stopped opening after updating it
Very good
Best wallet A+